Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello, ladies and Gentlemen.

Hey, guys. Magdalen Daynes and Rachel Salisbury, here. We are best friends, and we are both fairly hilarious. So we started a blog. We do this thing, called lists. A Life In Lists, to be exact. You pick a topic, and write a list about it. Example:

Rhymes with Jazz

  • Pizazz
  • Spaz
  • Has
This is what we do, everyday. So be ready ladies and gentlemen. Because we are freaking hilarious. We will do a list or two, or maybe five, every single day. And we might add some little notes here and there. So here we go, starting tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! Who needs a good book when you have a couple of INSANE teenage girls to give you a literary fill!
